Mark Hamlin
Mark was born in Kalamazoo and grew up in Portland Michigan. Mark has worked in radio all his life from Chicago, to Memphis, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Philadelphia, and Detroit (among others). Mark and family are excited to be back home in Michigan and South Haven! Mark grew up a Detroit Lions fan but while living in Kansas City became a Chiefs fan. My friends introduced me to Arrowhead, tailgating and the “loud” games. It was a blast and even though they were not as good as they are today (they stunk) Those were the days you could walk right down behind the Chiefs bench and “encourage the coach”. I had a blast there!
I never imagined back in high school riding around listing to Aerosmith, Toys in the attic that one day I’d be playing it on the radio! I love playing this music every day, especially the Beatles break around 10:40 AM. Thank you for checking out this quick bio, I invite you to join me for more every day on the air!