I&M Responding To Outages; Fewer Than Expected So Far


Indiana Michigan Power has its crews ready to restore service to those who lose power in the blizzard. Spokesperson Corey Ohlenkamp told us Friday afternoon the situation hasn’t been as bad as the company was expecting.

“Right now, we’re seeing some isolated pockets of outages,” Ohlenkamp said. “Currently, our tracker is showing about 600 in Michigan without power, and that’s all from one isolated outage in Benton Harbor.”

Ohlenkamp says I&M prepared for the worst case scenario, and so far, it hasn’t been as bad as feared. However, that doesn’t mean the crews are going home.

“We are still remaining in a formation to respond to any outages because we are still in the middle of it. Currently, we are still seeing high winds across a lot of the territory, we’re still expecting the possibility of some more lake effect snow and high winds in the Michigan area. We’re staying prepared.”

Ohlenkamp says if you do lose power, you should use the I&M app to stay up to date on the latest. If you have a generator, be sure to keep it outside and away from doors and windows. If you see a downed power line, stay away from it.