Career and Opportunity Fair Planned For August 23


A Career and Opportunity Fair is planned for this month in St. Joseph. Organizer Nick Gunn spoke to St. Joseph City Commissioners this week and said he’s using his NickEats YouTube channel to bring together employers and community resources for a day of mingling.

“This event is to highlight and support local businesses, businesses who are looking for hires, employees and different things that people may need help with throughout the community,” Gunn said. “I started a YouTube channel called Nick Eats about two years ago, and it was to highlight, promote local things in our community.”

Gunn says he wants to help support local businesses at a time when they’re having trouble finding workers. The Career and Opportunity Fair will be on August 23 at the Union Social at 216 Court Street in St. Joseph from 2 to 5 p.m. You can find out more at