Tech guide: explore parental controls before buying gifts for kids


Tech gifts continue to be one of the hottest gift categories this holiday season, but before you gift that new phone or tablet to one of your kids, it’s a good idea to go over the dangers they present.

Andy Brady, Great Lakes Market President for Verizon, said technology can be on your side to help your kids stay inside the boundaries you set.

I think the key thing that we want to make sure we coach before the technology is what are the family rules,” Brady said. “One family rule, whatever you write online is going to be online forever. Future employers are going to see what you write. If you wouldn’t say it to me live, you shouldn’t say it online. That’s rule number one.”

Brady says it’s good to make it clear with your kids that these devices are a privilege the parents own, meaning you set the rules and not the other way around.