New website connects Berrien County residents with aid agencies


The Berrien Community Foundation has launched a new website to help those in need of assistance connect with the resources available in the area.

BCF President Lisa Cripps-Downey tells us is a simple way for anyone to look for the help they need.

The site actually started before the pandemic, when it was called Help4Her. Cripps-Downey says that effort was successful, but the community foundation wanted to improve the site’s message.

As we kept going with this project, we were asking ourselves, what do we need to do to make it better? And what we really came to is Help4Berrien. We wanted to make sure that it was completely inclusive to everybody, so you didn’t just think that it was for women only. It’s, resources that are available to families.”

Anyone can go to and search for resources by topic, whether it’s food, housing, counseling, financial assistance, or family resources.

Cripps-Downey says the BCF hears from people seeking assistance all of the time, and many simply have no idea what’s available. Help4Berrien can show them. She asks anyone aware of aid resources in the community to contact the Berrien Community Foundation so they can be sure that resource is listed on Help4Berrien.