The Berrien County Road Department has enacted seasonal weight restrictions on county roads.
The road department’s Adri Boone tells us when the ice starts to melt after a cold period, it can put the roads at risk due to all the water moving around underground.
“Right now what we are seeing is there is some frost under the roadway surface that is coming out because we’re seeing warmer temperatures,” Boone said. “When that’s happening, it does make the roads more vulnerable and more likely to have damage caused by heavy loads, more so by the commercial side of things with commercial vehicles.”
The Berrien County Road Department implemented the restrictions Monday morning and they’ll be in place at least through Friday when they’ll provide another update.
Boone says this is just something that has to be done following a snowy and cold period, although last year they didn’t have to implement weight restrictions at all.
The restrictions only affect the largest and heaviest vehicles on the road, restricting their movement until the roads will be at less risk.