Eight rural communities in Uganda now have rainwater harvesting stations, thanks in part to the Rotary Club of St. Joseph-Benton Harbor.
The Rotary says it raised funds and obtained matching grants to help the Welfare Organization for Orphans and Vulnerable Children install 6,000-liter tanks in the remote settlements that previously only got water by trips on foot to an area an hour away.
The Rotary Club of St. Joseph-Benton Harbor made a donation of $3,000 to support the project. The funds were then matched by the Rotary Foundation and the Rotary District 6360 Foundation, making for $9,000 in support.
A huge ground-breaking ceremony was held when the tanks were finished.
The project manager reports one of the village elders told him, “If we saved all of our money for years, we could not accomplish this…The new year brings a new life for us.”