Lincoln Township takes another step toward improving Township Beach


The Lincoln Township Board of Trustees is hoping big improvements can be made soon to Lincoln Township Beach.

They were told Tuesday a step forward has been taken now that the township’s critical dune application has been submitted to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy. EGLE will have to sign off on any construction plans for the park.

Engineer Brandon Mieras tells us the plan to fix up the park includes a lot of new parking.

“We’re looking to add 20 spaces in a parking lot to the north, we’re looking to add seven spaces along the road in an area that was used in the past for parking, and then we’re going to put three van-accessible handicapped spots right along the beach — parallel parking — with a small parking lot for five spaces — two handicapped accessible — and a parking lot on the south side, sort of by the existing bathroom,” Mieras said.

Erosion in 2020 wiped out most of the parking that had been at the park.

Mieras said now that the dune plan is submitted to EGLE, there begins a review period that will last about 90 days. Meanwhile, the township is exploring grant options to make all the work happen. The plan also includes improvements to the nature trails.

As the township seeks to restore the park to something resembling its pre-2020 state, Trustee Deb Peterson Tuesday said, “It’ll be nice to have it back again.”