Kalamazoo Democrat running for Congress in Fourth District


A third Democrat is now running for Congress in Michigan’s Fourth District. Chris Glasser is a Kalamazoo native who tells us he’s worked in several government roles. He’s been a reserve sheriff’s deputy, an EMT, and a firefighter. He’s currently an investigator for Child Protective Services. He wants to replace Congressman Bill Huizenga, telling us Huizenga seems to be more interested in his party than anything else.

“I really don’t see him putting the people of west Michigan first,” Glasser said. “It’s much more about him defending the party, no matter what.”

Glasser says his top priorities include restoring trust in Congress.

“The public knows that there is a corruption problem in the system. There’s a reason why Congress has an extremely low approval rating, and that kind of undermines the fundamental trust in our government. I also care deeply about healthcare policy being a country where we have millions of people who are either uninsured or underinsured.”

Glasser favors a single payer, universal healthcare system. He says Republican rule only means tax cuts for the wealthy and deregulation, while he supports holding corporations accountable through regulation. He’s running in the Democratic primary against Joseph Alfonso and Jessica Swartz. The primary will be next summer.