Huizenga introduces legislation to sell submarines to Australia


Congressman Bill Huizenga has introduced legislation to sell some Virginia Class Submarines to Australia. He tells us with Australia being a vital ally in a key region of the world, he wants to help boost its security.

“Australia next to China is probably the biggest economy and power in southeast Asia, and they have a very active navy and active military in that region, and we want to help them and support them,” Huizenga said. “So, what my bill would do is authorize the sale of two of our U.S. built submarines to Australia.”

Huizenga says as China transitions to a maritime power, the focus should be deterrence in the South China Sea. He adds the bill will lead to a pathway of an interoperable maritime force between the United States and Australia. It will also be a boost to the nation’s defense industry. Huizenga’s AUKUS Submarine Transfer Authorization Act is before the House Foreign Affairs Committee.