South Haven’s 30th Harborfest This Weekend


South Haven’s Harborfest is set for Friday and Saturday. Rides, games, the Beer Garden, Food Fest and Craft Show all open at noon Friday, with live music at 5:30 pm from John Rush and 8 pm with the JR Clark Band. Deb Myers is the festival director and we asked how excited she was for the event to return.

“We are very excited about it. We spend a good portion of the year planning for Harborfest and we have lots of entertainment lined up,” says Myers. She says this year, they don’t have the Dragonboat races because no teams signed up, but they will have community paddle sessions Saturday morning instead. “We have all the bands set up, there will be food courts set up and entertainment for kids.”

This is the 30th year for Harborfest in South Haven. The Craft Show and Petting Zoo will both start at 10 am, while the Food Fest and rides and games will start at 11 am, a steel drum performance is set for 4:30 pm, and live music from Zion Lion starts at 5:30 pm followed by Captured Detroit, a Journey tribute band, at 7:30 pm. The event concludes with the Flames ‘N Dames Fire Show at 9:30 pm Saturday.