Way Back When” TODAY!

WAY BACK WHEN for Thursday. April 27, 2023

1880, Francis Clarke and M.G. Foster patented the Electrical Hearing Aid.

 1899 American cartoonist. Creator of Woody Woodpecker, Andy Panda, and Chilly Willy Walter Lantz was born. His wife Gracie Lantz provided the voice for Woody Woodpecker.

1989 100,00 protesting students took over Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China.

1986 A video pirate overrode an HBO movie broadcast with a message protesting the cost of the HBO service. John R. MacDougall used the pseudonym Captain Midnight and overrode HBO’s satellite signal with his own message for four and a half minutes.


Music History:

1810 Beethoven’s “Für Elise” was composed. While now one of his most popular pieces, it was lost and not rediscovered until 40 years after Beethoven’s death. “Für Elise” is German for “For Elise”. The identity of Elise has never been determined.

1981 Ringo Starr married actress and one time ‘Bond girl’ Barbara Bach. The pair met while filming the movie, Caveman. In attendance at the wedding were George Harrison and Paul McCartney.


Notable Birthdays:

Actor Kevin McNally 67

Kiss guitar legend Ace Frehley 72

Si Robertson from Duck Dynasty 75


Credit to:

Thisdayinmusic.com and Thisdaytrivia.com