Boys & Girls clubs of BH, Bridgman name Junior Youth of the Year


Two local Boys & Girls Club locations have named their Junior Youth of the Year.

Samari Adams, of Benton Harbor, and Annabella Washington, of the Bridgman have been named Junior Youth of the Year for at their respective club locations. The two will represent their communities in the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Southwest Michigan Junior Youth of the Year competition on Feb. 16.

Adams, 14, is a 7th grader Countryside Academy. She has been a member of the Boys & Girls Club since 2015, and said she enjoys the art room where she is able to express herself through the many forms of art.

“The first time I came to the Club, it was like home to me,” said Adams, in her speech. “Here at the club, they treat you with kindness and love you like you’re one of their own. They won’t let you give up, ever.”

Washington is 11 years old and in 6th grade at FC Reed Middle School in Bridgman. She has been a Club member since summer of 2022. Her favorite Boys & Girls Club program is Torch Club because she can get involved and have a voice in what is happening in the club.

Torch Club is described as “a powerful vehicle through which young people develop and strengthen their 21st-century leadership skills, giving them a firm foundation of good character and integrity. Torch Club members elect officers and work together to implement projects in the four focus areas: service to Club and community; education; health and fitness; and social recreation.

“I’ve learned confidence at the Boys & Girls Club because we do a lot of group games where you have to be in front of a group. I also learned leadership and have had great experiences,” said Annabella in her speech. “The staff are super nice and supportive and they will help you with anything.”

Alloyd Blackmon, Chief Executive Officer of Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Southwest Michigan, said the organization is proud to have Adams and Washington represent the club.

“The composure and confidence they have shown is extraordinary,” Blackmon said. “I am confident that they will continue to grow and be leaders in the Club and in their communities.”

The two will represent their communities in the organization’s club-wide Junior Youth of the Year competition Feb. 16 at the Fettig Youth Campus, 600 Nate Wells Sr. Drive in Benton Harbor.

The Youth of the Year teen recognition events begin on February 15th at the Club’s Benton Harbor Joel E. Smilow Teen Center and continue on February 16th at the South Haven High School Club, with a club-wide competition featuring the two winners on February 23, 2023.

Following the February 23rd club-wide teen competition, the teen chosen to represent Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Southwest Michigan will compete with teens selected by each of the 16 statewide Clubs for the state of Michigan Youth of the Year title.

2023 Youth of the Year Event Schedule

  • Benton Harbor Youth of the Year | Feb. 15 | 5:30 p.m. | Joel E. Smilow Teen Center, 190 W. Empire Avenue, Benton Harbor
  • Junior Youth of the Year Finals | Feb. 16 | 5:30 p.m. | Fettig Youth Campus, 600 Nate Wells Sr Drive, Benton Harbor
  • South Haven Youth of the Year | Feb. 16 | 5:30 p.m. | South Haven High School, Integrated Learning Center, 600 Elkenberg St, South Haven
  • Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Southwest Michigan Youth of the Year | Feb. 23 | 5:30 p.m. Joel E. Smilow Teen Center, Benton Harbor, MI