A virtual meeting will be held this coming week for residents of Chikaming Township to offer their input on the issue of coastal erosion and preservation as officials draft the next township master plan. Chikaming Township Supervisor David Bunte tells WSJM News the shoreline has changed quite a bit in the last couple of years.
“It’s been dramatic,” Bunte said. “Anyone who’s lived here quite some time knows that the lake levels rise and fall, but we’ve had some amazing drops now after historically high levels back in 2019 and 2020.”
Bunte says the township is going to plan for future years when those high Lake Michigan water levels return, whenever that might be.
“In the past, when we had lake levels as high as they were back in the late 80s, they receded for such a long time that people forgot that the lake levels would eventually rise again.”
Bunte says everyone was scrambling to deal with the high levels when they returned in 2019 and 2020. This Wednesday’s meeting will be over Zoom at 6 p.m. You can sign up to take part at ResilientMichigan.org/Chikaming.