“Way Back When” Today!


Paul Layendecker’s “WAY BACK WHEN” for Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2022

1856 American naval officer David Dixon Porter left Turkey with a shipload of 33 camels. Congress had appropriated $30,000 for the camel acquisition to be used in experiments to determine their suitability for use in the military

1946 ENIAC short for ‘Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer’, the first general-purpose stored program electronic digital computer, was dedicated at the University of Pennsylvania. It could calculate 1,000 times faster than anything previous. It required 18,000 vacuum tubes and 130,000 watts of power.

1950 Disney’s “Cinderella” was released.


 Music History:

1975 Linda Ronstadt went to No.1 on the US singles chart with ‘You’re No Good’, the singers only solo chart topper out of 12 other top 40 hits.


Notable Birthdays:

Matt Groening (Simpson’s creator) 68

Actress Jayne Seymour 71

Singer Melissa Manchester 71



Credit to:

Thisdayinmusic.com and Thisdaytrivia.com