The latest Roads and Bridges Report from the Michigan Transportation Asset Management Council has been delivered to the legislature. The council’s Roger Belknap tells WSJM News the report uses data from road commissions to determine what shape the roads and bridges are in. This year’s results were not surprising.
“They’re very similar to the information we reported last year,” Belknap said. “We had a 1 increase in the percentage of miles of good pavement, and at the same time, we had a 1% increase in the miles of poor pavement.”
Belknap tells us 39% of the roads were found to be poor, and 18% good. 11% of the state’s bridges were rated as structurally deficient. The data is turned over to the legislature as it makes policy decisions. Belknap tells us recent road funding reforms have yet to kick in. You can find all sorts of information on the condition of the state’s roads right here.